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Recruiting and Retaining Generation Z
Recently, theDesk hosted an interesting panel discussion on recruiting and retaining Gen Z. Gen Z is typically born between 1995 and early 2010s, after the Millennials (Gen Y). Currently, they cover 25% of the world's population which makes them larger than the Baby Boomers. They are by far our most sophisticated generation, being worldly, educated, connected, social, visual and technological.
Together with two other Talent Acquisition professionals; Louis Hou from Essentia and Doris Wang from Cubiks, we delved into how companies can attract talent within the Gen Z pool, what companies are on the lookout for when hiring Gen Zs and what we’ve learnt about Gen Z so far.
Some of the information I took take away was:
Ways to attract Gen Z to your firm:
Offer benefits such as health and dental insurance instead of one-time perks
Highlight in the job description their core responsibilities and the opportunity to learn other areas within the business
Give them side projects to feed their entrepreneurial spirit
Offer flexy time if it works for the business. This is an incentive they value greatly.
Gen Z is a compassionate group, giving back is important to them. Highlight how the business can contribute back to the community
State clearly what their career progression will be within the firm
Validation is key
Provide recognition when it’s due
What are companies looking for in Gen Z?
Individuals who are hungry to learn, hardworking, and willing to go above and beyond
Those who are able to wear multiple hats (see things from different perspectives)
Team players
Interesting facts about Gen Z
Gen Z prefer things to be done immediately
They communicate through social media and texts
77% of Gen Z expect to work harder than previous generations. Millennials are often optimistic about life where Gen Z are realistic because of their Gen X parents grew up during global recessions teaching them the importance of hard work
In a recent Business Insider survey on GenZ, nearly 10% of teens said the No. 1 issue that their generation will have to face relates to the economy and debt
Gen Z is significantly entrepreneurial and is likely to have a side hobby whether that’d be owning a YouTube channel, Instagram marketing etc.
Gen Z prefers to attend universities that aren’t so costly, meaning they have less debt and have the freedom to choose a job they really want
Since Gen Z grew up in the Tech era they have always been connected to the rest of the world. This means that they are well aware of what's happening in the world but they don’t have the wisdom that comes with experience like older generations, which means they can be very opinionated
They look at celebrities as they role models – people have now become famous because of ridiculous things and have been able to obtain money & fame, which Gen Z believes is attainable
If you would like to find out more information about the event or would like to chat with me about Gen Z and what we see as a recruitment company, please do not hesitate to reach out –