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2017 Holiday Open House & Toy Drive
As part of our commitment to #BuildingBetterFutures for our clients, professionals, and the wider community, this holiday season, we ran a toy donation drive for underprivileged children, locally and abroad, via Crossroads Foundation. Established in 1995, the Crossroads Foundation has been providing donations to over 90 countries. In turn, this collaboration helps Ambition extend our CSR reach globally beyond our locations.
This December we opened up our office as a receiving hub for two weeks. Caring individuals in our professional network generously contributed their children’s toys and clothing throughout and in the end we collected close to 300 toys!
In conjunction, we held an inaugural Holiday Open House event where we invited our extended Ambition families, clients, and professionals to celebrate the season and catch up before New Year's Eve. We wanted to make it a fun atmosphere for those attending with children, thus setting up a variety of activities including a baby playroom, sports area, face painting corner, arts and crafts room, as well as a movie theatre. The parents could relax while the little ones excitedly ran from room to room trying out different activities, euphorically entertained for hours.
The combination of these two events held a lot of meaning for us; not only was it a reminder to be grateful for our blessings and outreach to those less fortunate, it also made it clear that in our daily roles and business we truly are committed to the work that we do.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to our cause, attended our event, and to all whom we have worked with this year - thank you for helping us #BuildBetterFutures all around the world.
Warmest Seasons Greetings,
The Ambition Family